I care most about Gay Rights and how, of course, they are almost nonexistent with today's (generally) close-minded society.The collage I have made is more symbolism instead of just a pretty picture, as usual. I care very much about this project and topic, and please, excuse me if I go into too much detail or bore you with the length.
Things in my collage, along with the obvious "gay" symbolism (rainbow, male&male symbols, etc.)
-The word "Bizzare" and a definition from an old vocabulary book of mine. The definition reads as, "Weird or fantastic", and that is just what I find homosexuality and coming out to be. Not weird, not fantastic, but a combination of the both.
-The statement, "Find a new adjective", which is extremely important to me, because it is speaking about the use of the word "gay" and how today the word is used to describe something "odd" or "stupid" in a very negative way. "Gay" should not be synonymous with "Crappy". At all, for any reason.
-"The RIGHT to pursue HAPPINESS" in stenciled letters. Marriage is a form of pursuing happiness, and I think it is an abomination that people want to take that away from other people. I thought we lived in a "newer world", but apparently the only discrimination that has been lifted from the law is minorities...and that still exists. What an evolution.
-A giant swirl-like white portion of the paper (I cannot describe it in words), with a peach color on the sides. This is to represent that we are all still flesh and blood, regardless of orientation. The swirl is there as apposed to a straight line, which would represent heterosexuals.
-The "fog" above all these words is to represent the fact that most people ignore all the underlying factors of why all people should be allowed to get married.
-The "dripping" coming off the side was, honestly, just to look pleasant, but within the design are all the principles that build a marriage, and all things everyone hopes to get when in love, such as: acceptance, sympathy, love, desire, compassion, etc.
Stressful as it was, this topic is one of those that matters to me the most, and I'm glad my hard work shows it.