I care not for that assignment, I must admit, for I don't find it to be an interesting drawing at all. I like where my shoe looks now, though, due to the tint of the paper it is drawn on and the style of shoe I had drawn.
I haven't been caring about art much this year, honestly, but that's going to stop and tomorrow morning I plan to hand Mrs. Kiick 2 completed assignments, both my drawing of a shoe that I'm not too fond of, and a presidential collage, which surprisingly I'm finding more frustrating than anything. I'll keep ya posted soon enough.
I did the shoe drawing and the collage, as planned. Unlike everyone else's show drawing, however, mine did not shade, although that was the initial assignment. I had lost my drawing until after it was due, and even if I hadn't, I can almost guarantee I would not have shaded the shoe in, due to my lack of desire to. Shading isn't for me, and I learned this last year, whilst trying to shade in drawings at the end of each marking period. Yuck.
I ended up coloring in (very thickly) the laces of the shoes, and for the most part, anything that was originally white. However, the Converse star is normally surrounded by white, and I left it this way.
I do not hate it as much as I had originally, since I did not follow the "rules", honestly. It's not too bad a drawing.
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