Asked to answer a series of questions about myself, I decided to take it into someone's eyes that weren't my own. I know what I look like to myself. I know who I truly am. I know that I wear what I wear because I like it, I shave my hair because I like it this way, and I got my piercing because I think it looks fantastic. But that's not what everyone else thinks, and I know this, too.
I drew my blind contour drawing in the eyes of an average adult, or the spitting image that their children come out to be. They see me as someone who craves attention and will regret my choices later down the road. I know this is not true.

When someone who does not know me looks in my direction, they notice the flambouyant hair color I tend to have and the lip piercing I wear with confidence. They do not notice my colorful eyes or the freckles I bare. They notice nothing of the real me. My "outstanding features" tell them I am a teenager and I have many problems with myself and those around me. I do, in fact. But my problems have nothing to do with my appearance at all, and I have no clue why someone could see my style as "lashing out against society"...I do that with my words, not my hair. Silly people.
The words flow together, and the colors & arrows direct the viewer to which way I am speaking. I'm not a fan of bright colors, and so the colored in text symbolizes that it is false. The only truth to my drawing is the text that is in pink: I do not care what you say.
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